

Start a Fellowship Group

As we come together in fellowship, we will discover opportunities to be a blessing to each other and touch the lives of people around us.

To start a local fellowship group, simply team up with another church or ministry. Agree on a third church to invite.  Plan an activity.

  1. Identify one or two point persons in your church or ministry to help organize the fellowship.  Be sure to observe church protocol and get your Pastor’s blessing.
  2. Make an intentional effort to connect with at least one church of a different cultural makeup than your church.  Let’s be inclusive and tear down the walls.
  3. Join together for a quarterly Christian fellowship activity.
  4. Take a few pictures or a video of the activity.
  5. Share your activity with us and we will post it on our site to help spread Christian fellowship.

Invite & Duplicate!

  1. After your second fellowship activity, invite guests from other churches or ministries to your next activity.
  2. Be a model that would encourage them to start their own fellowship group.
  3. The optimal group size should be about three or four churches before breaking off into a separate group, but use your own judgment.  Let’s just build fellowship groups!

 Activity Ideas  

  1. Movie Showing
  2. Pot Luck
  3. Game Night – various board games
  4. Picnic
  5. Bowling
  6. Musical Concert
  7. Come up with your own idea

 General Fellowship Guidelines

  1. Start each fellowship gathering with prayer and thanksgiving.
  2. Set aside time for a meet & greet type fellowship before the main activity.
  3. Seek to bond and build relationships. Members with like interests may want to get together for other outside activities or come up with ideas for future group activities.
  4. Focus on things that will bring us together; avoid divisiveness.
  5. Make your fellowship what you want it to be AND a model for others to duplicate.
  6. Determine a name for your fellowship group.
  7. Members should feel free to invite others to attend the fellowship activity.
  8. Take a voluntary offering to offset the cost of any snacks (if necessary).
  9. Close each fellowship gathering with prayer.
  10. Be good stewards of the venue and work together on clean up after the event.