The Joy of Fellowship!


God has placed some truly wonderful people in my life.  The joy of genuine friendship is priceless.  My life has been enriched.  I can only hope that I have enriched the lives of others as much as they have enriched mine.

In God’s awesome way he has brought me together with people from across the globe.  There is no limit to the lives we can touch if we simply come together as the body of Christ. We can truly realize the blessings of fellowship by being fitly joined together. “As each individual part does his/her part, the body builds itself up in love” Eph 4:16 ISV.

K. Shyne


I have had the pleasure of having Brother K. in my life for the past 25 years.  His sweet spirit is the first thing I noticed.  Since then we have had beautiful times of fellowship.

He has been very instrumental in my life and also my husband’s.

K. is very positive & encouraging. Someone you would always enjoy being around.


Lupe Mathis

I have known K. for a long time.  First as a co-worker, and then, as a very, very dear friend. He has always been such a positive influence on people around him. He has taught me many important lessons in life such as taking one day at a time, patience and forgiveness. He’s open-minded, genuine, compassionate, and level-headed, he can always be counted on to listen and provide support when needed. With the calm aura that he has, I feel that he is so very well suited to promote Christian fellowship and beliefs.


Puneet V Behl, CPA, ARM

K. Shyne is a “Man after God’s own heart!” His love for the Lord comes through in every word and every action.  He sees people as the Lord wants him to see them, and loves them.  When I met K., I thought I was a Christian.  We worked together and every day K. spoke truth to my life.  I can still hear him saying “Sam, Sam, Sam…” and then laughing as he tried to glorify God when he responded to something off the wall that I had said.  (I was one of those who thought he took his faith a little too seriously.)  He is a man of integrity and a blessing to all who know him.

When I came in to work after giving my life to Christ, I looked into the eyes of my brother in Christ and as I shared what had happened I saw a genuine joy as he told me he had been praying for me.
Even though we have moved to different parts of the country, he keeps track of me, celebrates the victories with my family and encourages me in the faith!
Praise God for K Shyne!


Sam Johnston

I have known K. for a couple of years now.  The way he engages and interacts with people is a special gift.  I believe promoting Christian fellowship is a perfect fit for the person he is.



Winfred Green

“At such a time as this…” I believe this is the appointed time by God… that he is raising you up with a “Now Word” for the Body of Christ and the communities in which we live.

From the time we met, K. was doing the work of the ministry… giving of himself unconditionally with Brotherly Love, his time, and sharing his gifts and talents for God’s Honor and Glory.

I had the pleasure to meet Bro. K. in 1988 and he was truly a blessing and God sent. Thank you K. for being obedient to God in helping mentor me in those early years and allowing the fruits of the Spirit to be evident in you…  always exhorting, edifying and comforting.



Ronald Mathis

K Shyne is one of the kindest, most generous people, I have had the pleasure of meeting.  From the time I met K and from everyday forward he has had the brightest smile I have ever seen. I have seen his compassion for others first hand as he has “paid it forward”.  He never asks of others, he only gives.  He never meets a stranger. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to meet such an amazing person.


Julia Coleman