
The Christian Fellowship Project is an outreach ministry designed to bring Christians together in the spirit of love and unity.  We believe the enemy has deliberately worked to divide the church for the purpose of limiting our effectiveness.  We reject any attempt to divide the body of Christ!  As we come together as brothers and sisters in Christ, we will discover ways to be a blessing to one another and become more effective in impacting the lives of others.  We seek to tear down the walls the enemy has erected to divide us.   


Our vision is to establish a self-perpetuating fellowship process which will result in fellowship groups sprouting up across the country. 


We will utilize a community and social media based outreach to spread Christian fellowship far and wide. By empowering people to establish local fellowship groups, we will bring the body together through a simple two-step process.  We will simply Partner & Fellowship; then repeat the process.


Our short-term goal is to be instrumental in setting up a minimum of 20 fellowship groups in various states by the end of 2017.   By the grace of God we hope to see the number triple by the end of 2018.


How to start a fellowship group

Fellowship Group Structure

Fellowship Group Guidelines